Company Module

The Oxus company module provides site-wide configuration management for Oxus HRIS. These include dynamic groups definitions for payroll module and company organisational structures which define reporting lines and employee managers. The company module has the added benefit of documenting your organisation's HR and payroll policies; it provides tooling for storing grade-levels and the corresponding wage brackets, company locations, hierarchy and reporting lines. The company module provides an entry point for several other modules within Oxus HRIS

  • Company dashboards
  • Grade-level configurations for companies with minimum and maximum salary policies.
  • Dynamic groups configuration allows grouping employees using attributes like position. Dynamic groups are used for payroll processing and reporting.
  • Location configurations for staffmovement documentation
  • Unit types and unit configurations make representations of the organisation, employees are further assigned to units in HR records.
  • Positions and reporting hierarchies are configurable from the company module and form the company structure. This is also leveraged in appraisal management for determining managers.